Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Gloyna AND Earnest AND F)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in water quality improvement. 1968
Bactericidal effects of algae on enteric organisms, 1970
Biological countermeasures for the control of hazardous material spills 1984
Biological countermeasures for the control of hazardous material spills / 1984
Conflicts in water resources planning. 1972
Design guides for biological wastewater treatment processes / 1971
Environmental Health Committee key findings and conclusions on the revised draft health assessment document for acrylonitrile (November 1982) / 1983
Instrumentation for Engineering Management of a Multi-Purpose River Basin System (Trinity River Basin, Texas). Real-Time Engineering Management of a Multi-Purpose River Basin System. 1973
Ponds as a wastewater treatment alternative 1976
Predictive techniques for water quality--inorganics, 1962
Principles of radiological health 1969
Radioactivity transport in water : the transport of Co58 in an aqueous environment / 1964
Radioactivity transport in water : the transport of Zn65 in an aqueous environment / 1964
Radioactivity transport in water--environmental behavior of nitrosylruthenium 1963
Radioactivity transport in water--sorption and release of radionuclides by sediments of the Guadalupe River 1964
Radioactivity transport in water--structure and metabolism of a lotic community April-July 1964 / 1965
Radioactivity transport in water--summary report, 1970
Radioactivity transport in water--transport of nitrosylruthenium in an aquatic environment 1965
Radioactivity transport in water--transport of Sr85 and Cs137 in an aquatic environment, 1966
Reactor fuel waste disposal project : development of design principle for disposal of reactor fuel waste into underground salt cavities ; technical report / 1959
Reactor fuel waste disposal project : permeability of rock salt and creep of underground salt / 1960
Reactor fuel waste disposal project : thermal considerations in the storage of radioactive wastes in salt formations / 1960
Relative toxicity of organics to Chlorella pyrenoidosa / 1965
Report on water re-use in Texas : prepared for United States Department of Interior, the Bureau of Reclamation, Area Planning Office, Austin, Texas / 1957
Return flows in Texas : quality and quantity of municipal and industrial wastewater streams / 1966
Supercritical water oxidation model development for selected EPA priority pollutants : project summary / 1995
Waste stabilization ponds 1971
Water management by the electric power industry 1975
Water quality improvement by physical and chemical processes. 1970

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